Detailed Activities of  KM4AgD                            2021 

Dates h GMT (Ghana) Session title Agenda – topics
08.09. 3 14:00-17:00 Kick-off event Welcome, socializing; introduction to programme and challenges; Foundations of KM; Information on self-study material
self-paced self-study Fundamentals of KM learning material (articles, videos)
13.09. 3 11:00-15:00 KM Essentials Session 1 Understanding and applying standards and frameworks in KM (incl. KM4AD Framework; ISO30401)
Developing KM Strategies and knowledge goals; Best Practices in International Organisations and ILRI
14.09. 3 11:00-15:00 KM Essentials Session 2 Achieving knowledge leadership excellence
Developing and maintaing a knowledge culture
15.09. 3 11:00-15:00 KM Essentials Session 3 Designing key knowledge processes: Capturing;
Designing key knowledge processes: Communication and Dissemination – reaching the last mile
16.09. 3 11:00-15:00 KM Essentials Session 4 How to make Communities of Practice fly
KM in the Context of Multilateral Agreements – Example Compact for Biodiversity
self-paced self-study Deepening KM learning material (articles, videos)
20.09. 3 11:00-15:00 KM Advanced Session 1 Overviewing IT Tools supporting key k-processes
IT for collaboration
21.09. 3 11:00-15:00 KM Advanced Session 2 Linking knowledge with taxonomies and knowledge graphs
Boosting KM with Artificial Intelligence Solutions
22.09. 3 11:00-15:00 KM Advanced Session 3 Create an IT-Architecture for Knowledge Hubs
self-paced until end November Organisational KM Challenge Participants develop concepts for their organisational KM Challenges independantly, but supported by faculty and  peers. Optional coaching and peer learning sessions are offered on a weekly basis.
Dates h GMT (Ghana) Session title Agenda – topics
4.10. 2 14:00-16:00 K-Society Kick-off Introduction Knowledge Society challenges and experiences
self-paced self-study Fundamentals of K-Society learning material (articles, videos)
11.10. 3 11:00-15:00 K-Society Session 1 Conceptual Framework – the big picture
Establishing a (national) Agricultural Knowledge Partnership and a Knowledge Agenda process; advancing the knowledge ecosystem and international cooperation
12.10. 3 11:00-15:00 K-Society Session 2 Applying core principles in knowledge politics: Fostering freedom of knowledge and fighting fake news; legal aspects of knowledge;
Advancing knowledge diversity and inclusion; promoting indigenous knowledge and decolonizing knowledge
13.10. 3 11:00-15:00 K-Society Session 3 Communicating and disseminating knowledge in society. Principles, processes, structures, citizen skills
Reaching the last mile, sector collaborations
14.10. 3 11:00-15:00 K-Society Session 4 Knowledge economics: How knowledge influences the dynamics of economies
The role of the knowledge industries and how to strengthen them
21.10. 3 11:00-16:30 Kick-start Sector partners intruduce in detail the sector challenges and teams are formed to develop solutions.
Dates h GMZ (Ghana) Session title Agenda – topics
03.11. 2 10:30-12:30 Knowledge Café 1 Challenge Teams facilitate knowledge cafés to receive inputs and feedback from the wider community
05.11. 2 10:30-12:30 Knowledge Café 2 Challenge Teams facilitate knowledge cafés to receive inputs and feedback from the wider community
10.11. 2 10:30-12:30 Knowledge Café 3 Challenge Teams facilitate knowledge cafés to receive inputs and feedback from the wider community
12.11. 2 10:30-12:30 Knowledge Café 4 Challenge Teams facilitate knowledge cafés to receive inputs and feedback from the wider community
29.11. 9 09:00-18:00 KM Concept Presentation Space Participants can present their KM Concepts and receive feedback Presentation and participation are optional
30.11. 9 09:00-18:00 KM Concept Presentation Space Participants can present their KM Concepts and receive feedback Presentation and participation are optional